See you this week during October’s public meetings

10 - 24 - 17
 We’re just a few days away from the reveal of the initial proposals for the future of Dayton’s riverfronts. Project consultant, Sasaki, has developed these…

 We’re just a few days away from the reveal of the initial proposals for the future of Dayton’s riverfronts. Project consultant, Sasaki, has developed these initial proposals based on feedback collected via surveys and public meetings held last August. The public can view these proposals and provide their feedback during the following meetings:

  • WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25: DAYTON RIVERFRONT PLAN PUBLIC MEETINGS: 6 to 8 p.m. at the Dayton Metro Library Northwest Branch, 2410 Philadelphia Dr.
  • THURSDAY OCT. 26: DAYTON RIVERFRONT PLAN PUBLIC MEETINGS: Noon to 2 p.m. and 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Dayton Metro Library Main Branch Community Room, 215 E. 3rd St.

During the meeting, Sasaki will present the results of input collected over the summer, including:

  • Where people access the river
  • Where people enjoy running, walking, biking and paddling along the river
  • Which activities people enjoy along the rivers
  • Opportunities for improvement
  • Survey respondents’ favorite photos of other riverfronts that inspire a future vision of Dayton

Sasaki will also propose draft goal statements and two alternative framework plans for the study area. The goal statements will provide a clear direction and ambition for the plan. A framework is an organizing idea that proposes how we should think about the corridors. Framework plans helps focus the approach to planning, developing parks, and identifying development opportunities.

A portion of the Sasaki’s presentation also will focus on initial ideas for the ten parks in the study area that will receive site plans in the future. Eight of the parks, from DeWeese Park to Sunset Park, create a four-mile corridor of continuous open space along the Stillwater and Great Miami rivers. The consultants will present their findings and concepts about how to approach these parks and corridor.

Can’t make a meeting? Give us your feedback online after the meetings, beginning Oct. 27.

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