A major tenet of the Dayton Riverfront Plan is to achieve a healthy city where places and programs support health, safety, and wellness for all who live, learn, work and play along the riverfront. In the Miami Valley, more than a third of adults are obese and one in...
The Dayton Riverfront Master Plan is, in many ways, a plan about connecting. This is a common theme among the many projects being advanced—connecting neighborhoods with waterways, connecting neighborhoods with one another and connecting residents with natural...
The vibrant redevelopment of downtown is spilling up, down, and over our rivers to Dayton’s neighborhoods along all points of the compass. The Dayton Riverfront Plan continues to spur on this evolution. Below is the long list of the Plan’s projects that have been...
In December, we’ll share a progress report on all the Dayton Riverfront Plan projects that are in the works, underway, or completed. This month, we want to highlight a particular project—a study that is critical to the success of the entire Plan. There are three types...
Back in May, we wrote about how the 1911 Olmstead Brothers plan for Dayton imagined bucolic parkways along the rivers. The intent was to connect people to our waterways, but one hundred years later those parkways have turned into high speed, divided roadways. These...